Dreamers 4 Change

Lets Make The World

Better Together

Every black girl deserves the opportunity to a better tomorrow. Join us in making a difference through compassionate giving!

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About Us

We Are Here For You

Thank you so much for taking time out to visit our page. We are so grateful that you are considering supporting Passports4Change.

Passports4Change started as a conversation years ago and is now blooming into a full service program to support youth from marginalized communities.

This program truly aims to connect youth from marginalized communities to the global society by creating accessible, affordable pathways to travel, cross-cultural exchange and cultural immersion.

More About Us

Years of Operation

Monthly Donors

Monthly Volunteers

Successful Trips

What we do

Every Black Girl Deserves
A Chance to Travel

Cultrual Exchange

As our world continues to become increasingly global, the benefits of cross-cultural exchange are vast.

Low-Income Outreach

Low-income students stand to gain a great deal from the opportunity to live in contexts different than their own.

Leadership Development

We believe that cross-cultural study opens up the possibilities of change, transformation and leadership for students.

New Discovery

The opportunity to experience cultures, places, people, languages and foods different than their own.

Previous Trips

How You Can Help

Step One:

Quisque commodo libero vel vulputate sagittis. Vivamus dolor elit, mattis ac lectus nec, dictum convallis mauris.

Step Two:

Sit amet tempor urna finibus. In tristique, risus in semper pretium, quam mi blandit est, sit amet viverra est leo eu elit.

Step Three:

Aliquam luctus nulla placerat nibh auctor, vitae tempor tortor tincidunt. Duis et sapien ac sem mollis dapibus et at arcu.

Gifts to Give



12 Needed

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Lunch & Dinner


7 Needed

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Passport Sponsor


2 Needed

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Roundtrip Airfare


3 Needed

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Group T-Shirts


8 Needed

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General Donation


10 Needed

Give this Gift
Dreamers 4 Change


+01 1234567890



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolor voluptas molestias voluptates necessitatibus ea laborum quam nobis.
